Frequently Asked Questions

 1) I see that the Household Manager is to paid for each day of service - is this typically something like the Manager requesting a venmo payment or how does that work? And is it the same amount each week?

ANSWER: Yes, the expectation is the Household Manager is paid each day of service. It is appropriate to have your payment made out for their day rate, which covers a 6-8hr day, and laid out each morning with your typed list. You will determine at your orientation with your Manager if she prefers cash, check or Venmo. It is a great idea to have a “wish list” of organization projects etc. That way if the Manager has time left before 6 hours are up they can start one of your wish list projects. Typically donation or pkg drop offs would happen at the end of the work day on the Managers way home, therefore leaving your home in time to complete the deliveries/tasks within the 6-8hr day.

2) If the placed Manager does not work out as deemed by either party in the first 30 days, then would you assist in placing another Manager?

ANSWER: Yes, I provide a 30 Day Trial Agreement that can be signed by you and your assigned Manager. You and your Manager have the right to terminate the relationship for any reason within the first 30 days. This then requires each party to have a discussion with me so I can better understand the issue. The original placement fee to Joy-Filled Service covers placing 2 Household Managers or for the first 6 months, whichever comes first.

3) After 30 days is there another agreement of sorts that we all sign? I know we have had nannies sign things in the past to ensure we are all on the same page - do you have something similar?

ANSWER: I do not. I’m not aware of the other families where I’ve placed Managers having anything formal, but of course you may craft/draft another agreement with your Manager similar to what you have had with your nannies if that makes you more comfortable.

4) After 30 days is everything at-will and the Manager or Family can terminate at any time?

ANSWER: Yes, it would be appropriate for the Manager to give a 2 week notice if they needed to make a change. The Family is able to terminate the relationship at any point.

5) After 30 days, what, if any, is your relationship with us or the Manager?

ANSWER: If the relationship is good and both parties are happy you continue along with the Manager, I am not involved. I do appreciate any updates you would like to share and I may reach out for a testimonial/statement after a few weeks of how having a Household Manager has benefitted your family. I do have an emailed newsletter I send to keep in touch and provide resources, recipes, tips, etc. And would love for you to refer friends, family, colleagues to my business. Of course if anything comes up before the original 6 months I can work to place another Manager.

6) What happens if a Manager is sick or unable to attend work that day or week?

ANSWER: You would communicate with your Manager to coordinate schedules and see if another day would work that week, or skip, or try to find a makeup day. I have 3 families I work for and we have traded days, slid the schedule and had cancellations. I assume both the Family and the Manager would share/discuss any upcoming vacation dates, etc as common courtesy to plan accordingly.

7) What if I don’t think I can create a typed list to fill a 6-8hr day for a Manager?

ANSWER: If you are a family of 4+ with the desire for bedding to be changed weekly, plus your family and household laundry completed, along with meal prep and organization or errands it will be easy to fill at least 6hrs. Once the placement fee is paid to Joy-Filled Service I then provide 3 real life typed lists from my 3 clients for you to know what is appropriate to ask with in a 6-8hr day. And these list examples will help you craft your own custom day and then you can tweak each week by changing recipes, extra tasks, organization projects or errands. Please know your Manager will become more efficient as they learn your home, appliances and how your family lives. I say it truly takes 4 visits by the Manager before a rhythm and routine begins to be established.