Step 1: Who’s it For?

The Executive Family that needs some margin.

Are you an Executive Family overwhelmed with your schedules, trying to pack for your upcoming work trip, wishing there was food in the house and would love a home cooked meal? Are your hampers overflowing, not quite sure when the sheets were last changed and noticing the package/store returns piling up on the dining room floor? Do your children have a birthday party to attend or host and you don’t know when the gifts will be wrapped or who will create the party gift bags or if your holiday cards will make it out the door before the new year?

Guess what?!

There is another way… a secret weapon used by fellow Executive Families… they have engaged the services of a Household Manager!

Simply imagine the BLISS of experiencing the laundry done, bedding changed, fruits/veggies, healthy snacks and proteins prepped for the week, a warm meal ready for when you arrive home, the mudroom organized and your amazon returns and dry cleaning dropped off FOR YOU!

This weekly or bi-weekly reset is the blessing you never knew existed! Cue the exhale…

The service a Household Manager provides allows your Executive family to reclaim your time.

Step 2: What’s Included?

Stay tuned, your life is about to change.

This weekly or bi-weekly reset is the blessing you never knew existed! Cue the exhale…

Household Management services allows your Executive family to reclaim your time.

Hi! My name is Christine and I’m here to help your family enjoy increased margin in your schedules, experience less stress and feel organized by engaging a Household Manager to assist with your tasks: laundry, meal prep, organization and errands.

Your Household Manager will serve as a trusted extra set of hands helping you check off your to-do list and return more joy to your home! I will work to match you with a Household Manager, who is an empty nester and seasoned mom.

This is what is possible when you engage a Household Manager…


~Wash all household bedding and remake beds with extra sheet set

~Wash, fold, put away clothing & towels

~Organize closets & drawers by type & color

~Drop off/pick up dry cleaning & tailoring items

~Remove, store, and/or donate clothing items (think too small kids clothing)

~Flip seasonal outerwear & wardrobe

Groceries & Meal Prep

~Pick up ordered groceries or receive them at your home

~Put away groceries

~Prep fruit & veggies for the week

~Prep/Make meal protein(s)

~Make crockpot or Instant Pot meals

~Healthy snack prep

~Baked goods

~Restock snack bin/pantry

~Create needed replacement items list

Kitchen Storage

~Organize recipes

~Recommend storage solutions

~Remove expired pantry, refirgerated items & spices

~Label of spice jars & canisters

~Organize mudroom/hall closet

~Makeover the “junk drawer”

Misc Tasks

~Drop off packages and/or buy stamps

~Return items to store

~Wrap gifts

~Stuff, stamp and mail holiday & Party invites

~Meet home/appliance repair person or pest control

~Set up/put away seasonal decor

~Shop, prep, wrap teacher gifts

~Prep birthday party gift bags

Step 3: Let’s Get You Matched!

You’re so close to experiencing BLISS…

1) An initial phone consultation is scheduled to discuss your families’ needs. During this conversation, you will be provided with details of the weekly 6-8hr day model. From there, you can craft your list similarly or adjust for your families specific household needs. Both weekly or bi-weekly support is available dependent upon your need.

2) Placement fee is paid to Joy-Filled Service to match a Household Manager to meet your needs and serve your family. Please allow 1 month to find your match. Joy-Filled Service Placement Fee $350

3) Once the perfect match is found, you will be connected to your Household Manager! You will work with your match to develop a customized schedule and plan of tasks, agree on payment made directly to her, and start reaping the benefits!

4) Payment for Household Managers range from $25-$40/hr depending upon experience. (A typical weekly day rate of $225-$250 allows for a minimum of 6 hrs and up to 8hrs/day)

5) Household Manager’s duties exclude cleaning and childcare

Let’s get you matched and turn your household stress to joy!

Fill out my contact form here on my website today, or text me at 952-334-6375